Sunday, March 8, 2009 Getting stuck

Life just keeps rockin and rollin‘. Fred is sick. His twin brother is in the hospital, having been taken by ambulance with chest pain. I swallowed a bit of breakfast this morning – and it got stuck. Really stuck. What a challenging week. I am hoping for a better tomorrow.

Getting through today should be OK, but my throat and stomach feel whacked out big time. I’ve never blocked my band like I did this morning. It was scary. I coughed for about 20 minutes. I could hardly breath. Then with a final cough scrambled eggs appeared in the sink and I felt much better. Scrambled eggs, for heaven sake. Those are suppose to go down easy. I didn’t chew it up enough. I must really be swollen inside today too. Ouch.

The experience is a wake up call – another one. I really do have a lap band. And, if I let it do it’s job it will help me. Maybe fear is part of the factor. I never want to feel like that again, so I’ll stay on the “up and up.” Here’s hoping.

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